Saturday, March 9, 2013

Disney - Animal Kingdom

Due to a lack of... patience I have slacked on the logs for this trip thinking they didn't really matter considering they were in America and that's not really a trip or so but then I saw the photos and decided otherwise.

 We arrived in Disney late Sunday night after a weekend of family time, long horse shows,11 dogs and 10.5 bodies, the drive was nice, long but nice all the same and it made the world-wind trip to Disney World much more exciting when you pass under the big Disney sign all lit up in the night.

Due to some navigational issues we did have a hell of a time finding our Disney Resort but once we were there and parked we were greeted with "Welcome Home!" and big hellos from the over excitable staff at the Animal Kingdom Lodge.
If you have ever been to Disney and ever gone to the Animal Kingdom I'll tell you now, that was our hotel, I woke up early Monday morning and opened a blind to see Zebra's a few savannah cattle and of course the beautiful Giraffes that decided to come say "good morning" 15 feet off our balcony!

The day may have started late due to D's work schedule but I got to sit on the balcony and watch the Giraffes eat and the Zebra's graze in the sunshine, very cool might I add!
When we did finally get out of the hotel the decision to head to Universal Studios was quickly vetoed for Animal Kingdom where we headed straight for Safari truck rides, animal trail walks, tigers and monkeys high above the crowds, I did my best not to become a little kid when the Safari trucks passed a mama Cheetah, gators that could swallow me whole and a hippo that was cruising the bottom of a water hole but as D will tell everyone over and over again I failed to keep composure...

After a long day of animals and a magnitude of bodies everywhere from big to small and young to old (that for some reason you always under estimate when walking into a Disney theme park) we headed for the gate to grab showers and head into town for a nice late dinner. Crossroads at the House of Blues proved to be an excellent choice even if D tried to eat a chicken and a half all fried and chewy. A bus ride home and it was time for bed to start the next day with a little more of a bang then the first.


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